Coaching $currentyear

My Coaching


Passionpreneur™ Coaching

YOUR QUESTIONS: “My passion is __________? Does that have any value? How can I turn it into a business? How can I market this better? When do I quit my job? Can I make money even during a pandemic?

MY SOLUTIONS: A step-by-step plan of action. A recorded session for you to review.

▪ All sessions are recorded (audio)


Walt’s Book Writer Coaching

YOUR QUESTIONS: “Help! I have "writer's block!" How can I finally finish this thing? When is the best time to write? How do I format, edit, copyright, protect and publish this thing quickly and at minimal expense in time for ________?”

MY SOLUTION: A checklist, Step-by-step guidance.


Adept’s Clean Cell Coaching

YOUR QUESTIONS: “I want to eat healthy! What's wrong with the food I eat? What if I don't like vegetables? Give me something I can do every day that will make a difference. Can you help me complete an extended fast? Can you help me lose weight, become fit to breed or reverse aging?

MY SOLUTION: A “Substitution Shopping List”; Shopping expedition.


Brand Coaching by Latika Manaktala in India

(certified PassionProfit™ coach)

“It's my mission and passion to help conscious small businesses, and passionate entrepreneurs, to create a profitable and a sustainable brand so that they can do what they are best at.”Latika Manaktala

What You Get With PassionProfit™ Coaching:

• An hour+ of Skype® interaction (audio only)
• Answers to all your questions
• Strategies that work
• Specific, detailed direction and a follow-up task list
• An mp3 audio recording of your session you can listen to again and again!
Note: My goal is NOT to tie you to an ongoing coaching regimen. While I enjoy sharing information, my time is too valuable to spend pushing or pulling people to action! However, if we decide to work together, we'll have a single-session which comes with a lot of customized follow up information and specific tasks you'll need to achieve plus a recording of the session for you to refer to again and again!

a letter from a coaching client:

The following email was sent to me a coaching client I'll call S.R.! Enjoy and be inspired!--Walt
thanks again for your coaching session back in June - it was very valuable and I’m going to go over the recording of it more carefully soon so as to make sure that I’m doing all of the things you suggested. Since our call, I’ve gone ahead and put up the website, created an LLC and am in the process of signing another artist. So things are moving in the right direction.
However, I must say that I got an amazing piece of news a couple days ago: I’m getting laid off! When I was busy hatching plans on how to get fired, something inside me told me to hang on a little longer, and sure enough, when I went to work this Monday morning, my boss immediately called me into a conference room, sat me down, and shook his head saying there was nothing he could do about it, my company is laying me off with the equivalent of 4-5-6 months of pay! Inside, I was jumping for joy, but I wanted to keep a calm, professional external demeanor that hid my joyous emotions, as that may be a bit awkward. Instead, I’ll go through the motions and pretend like it’s a tough time (they’ve already given me my final two weeks - that I was supposed to be working - off as a result).
Suffice to say, this is an amazing state of affairs and I couldn’t be more excited.I'm rereading your book,Ducks in a Row now as it has new meaning now that I've parted ways with my desk job.
Anyways, just wanted to drop the good news. I’ll probably be ready for another coaching session before too long but wanted to make sure you were aware of these developments. Thanks again for all your help thus far, Walt.

My Reply:

Wow! That IS great! Yep, from my experience,that's how the universe works! Once you set an intention, the universebends over backwards to bring it into fruition, despite how it may seemat first, and despite how it may seem to others!
Keep riding the wave!

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Breaking News from Walt:

A few weeks ago, a former workshop attendee and coaching client revealed that she nominated me to be considered for this year’s Governor’s Humanities Award here on Saipan. I thanked her, but I didn’t really believe I qualified because...(read why at
Check out the FREE Preview of the Saipan Tour App! Can't make it to Saipan during the pandemic? No worries! Check out this FREE preview of the Discover Saipan Tour App and experience the island's SECOND best tour experience! This special online version of the self-guided, GPS-assisted app, is available for a limited times! Please allow a few moments for all the graphics to load! The mobile app (only $1) is available on the Google Play Store (See "About the App" for the link)